PCI-DSS Development

ZGtec is a PCI-DSS compliant service provider
With web-based security threats on the rise, ZGtec became a Level 1 PCI-DSS web solutions provider in 2012. Our certified team uses secure development best practices to build cardholder data storage systems to meet Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards.
Building PCI-DSS applications can be a very time consuming and expensive endeavor. Whenever possible, we use the knowledge gained in the PCI-DSS certification process to suggest, build and implement online applications that keep our customers’ websites out of the PCI-DSS scope. This means most merchants can de-scope their filings from an SAQ-D to an SAQ-C or even an SAQ-A depending on their circumstances.
Most free secure web development software is not built on security best practices and is often playing catch-up with yesterdays vulnerabilities. We use Zend and MySQL frameworks to deliver true PCI-DSS applications―from the ground up. This ensures in-scope functionality will be limited as much as possible to keep your vulnerability footprint as light as possible.